Common Myths About Addiction Men’s Addiction Treatment


The truth about addiction is that detox only rids the body of the toxins but it does not address the root causes of the disorder. Most quality treatment centers recommend detox alongside evidence-based therapies and holistic practices to maximize the chances of recovery. If you’ve been suffering from substance use disorder, you may be all too familiar with feelings of helplessness.

Committing a crime and being addicted to substances do not go hand in hand. It is not uncommon for people to return to use even after completing a stint at rehab. A typical misconception is that addiction is a choice, and people “choose” to get addicted.

You Must Hit Rock Bottom Before Seeking Treatment

Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all treatment, nor is it temporary. Even though someone has relapsed, it doesn’t mean they weren’t still making progress before. A recurrence may imply that a change in treatment approach or methods is needed. Relapse is defined as a series of setbacks along the way to recovery, not as a definite reversion to old ways, so even if you relapse, you can still return to recovery.

These brain changes make it extremely difficult to quit by sheer force of will. Don’t get discouraged if the person you care about ends up succumbing to triggers in the real world. They will need someone they trust to turn to if they relapse. You can assure them they are not a failure and encourage them to restart the journey toward recovery.

Myth: “Addiction medications are just replacing one addiction with another.”

Commonly abused prescription drugs include ADHD medications, narcotic pain medications and drugs intended to treat anxiety. Unfortunately, abuse of these drugs can be deadly, with nearlyfive young adults dyingeach day from prescription drug overdose. Prescription medications have the potential to be as addictive and deadly as illicit drugs.

Becoming addicted to drugs is not a problem of willpower or a sign of weakness. Many factors influence a person’s risk factors for addiction, and willpower is not one of them. Addiction often runs in families, and genetics are often to blame. Social factors and untreated mental health issues are all known risk factors for addiction. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals.

If you or someone you know needs any of our services

It can feel nearly impossible to resist triggers when you’re getting such strong signals to use substances. Obtaining and using drugs begins to take priority myths about addiction and recovery over everything else when you’ve become dependent on drugs and alcohol. Recovery from drug addiction is a long process that often involves setbacks.

Because each person’s experience is different, that means there are unique factors that affect the risk of addiction per person. We’ve already established that a substance abuse disorder depends partly on genetics, a person’s environment, socioeconomic status, and mental health. These varying factors make it impossible to apply the same standard of treatment to everyone.

However, these drugs are very dangerous when abused, primarily when it occurs with young adults and teens. Many prescription drugs are commonly abused, including narcotic pain medications, ADHD medications, and anxiety drugs. Prescription medications can be more deadly than illicit drugs and it’s estimated that around five young people die daily from overdoses with these medications. Benzos, which were previously considered non-addictive, are now considered by the FDA to be addictive as well.

  • EVERY person we worked with was not only professional but caring and supportive.
  • There’s denying that addiction often occurs because of a bad choice or that there is a correlation between drug use and crime.
  • Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol?
  • They may also be homeless, facing eviction, or locked into an abusive relationship.
  • This is especially dangerous because it makes it much more difficult for friends and family to intervene before it is too late.


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